Sotor Al Horriya - سطوﺭ اﺍلحرﯾة Blank Notebook
The calligraphy on the cover reads: "Once a voided heart I had.... Amazed by the joy of existing he was... But since your heart called he obeyed....Not imagining away from yours a life" by Iraqi Sufi poet Abu Hassan Samanon bin Hamza.
Abu Hassan (a.k.a. Samanon the lover, because his Sufi poetry was inspired by the love of God (divine love), was a religious Muslim Sunni scholar. Originally from Basra- Iraq with unknown birth date, lived and died in Baghdad 298 AH (910-911 AD).
These notebooks are handmade by Hussam Abdel Zaher's Atelier in old Cairo, a renowned atelier specialising in high end leather bookbinding dating back to 1936. Their works have been purchased by many well-respected brands like Alexandria Bibliotheca and Harrods, in additions to supplying royalties and ruling families around the world.
The notebooks are handmade with a natural canvas cover, contain 200 blank pages and are available in many different colours. Size 16 x 10cm